We have been on the go all summer. It has really been so much fun. I think I have been in Destin more nights than Birmingham. I don't even know if I can do a quick recap without leaving A LOT out!
John Connor and I are watching Spongebob this morning and baking brownies. Where's Emma? Well, she has been gone more than we have! She is at her Mimi's this week. Maggie went with her. They are helping out at the restaurant! Yikes, that is a long time. I feel like someone else has custody of her and I should be paying child support.
I have been working as little as possible. YAY! Scripts kits have been going out each month. I have several really good helpers and they make it really easy for me! Thanks Lisa and Carol!! So, I just make sure everything is here and they get it packed and shipped! I haven't been scrapbooking much at all. Last night I went down to the "store" and organized a little. I got everything together for the August kit and went ahead and spread it all out on the table! I need to order cardstock, but everything else is here!! So cute and FUN!!
I am going to CHA. Leaving on Sunday! I can't believe it's here. It has snuck up on me. I really can't wait to see all that new merchandise! It's in Orlando this year.....I'm sure we'll stop by DisneyWorld....I mean, Brittney and Kristin are going....we will go to Disney! Taking those two with me should guarantee that I will see a celebrity. They are like magnets! Ahhhh all that inspiration is sure to get me in the crafty mood. Not to mention when we get back, school is right around the corner and there will be a schedule!!
Update on the house. We still haven't sold it. I guess we will be back at Oak Mountain in the fall. The kids are very happy about it. I can't decide how I feel. I really don't want to move, but it is going to happen eventually. I'm a little worried about them having to change schools right after school starts or even a whole year from now. I know, kids adapt....they'll be fine! I just hate for them to be anxious about it or worry. They shouldn't have to do that! So, we're still here on Brook Green lane hanging out at the pool and playing tennis!!
I'll post some pictures of our summer fun. They all tend to look the same........John Connor with sand on his face and Emma with the sky in the background and her freckles smiling back at me! I love summertime!!!
Going through the pictures, I am remembering things!! We did get to go to the lake before we sold it. Oh man, that place is full of so many memories! We built it back in 2004. John Connor was so little. We would always go and feed the fish, go to the sand island and to the water falls! Riding the tube and watching all the crazies over at Chuck's house........cousins and friends hanging out for the 4th of July and many midnight boat rides!! Do you feel a lake scrapbook coming on? I should really work on that one.
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