Friday, August 10, 2012


 It's official (pretty much), we are moving. We got a contract on our house at the end of May and should be out of here in a couple of weeks. It is such a process! We've found a new house, I call it Hansel and Gretel's house. It's a cute cottage in the woods with tons of gingerbread trim. It just needs a little candy!
I'm sad to leave here. It was my dream house! I now know that I will probably have lots of dream houses in my lifetime! I fall in love very easily. Right now, there are about 3 different options on where we will settle for more than a year. I just wonder if we will ever settle for more than a few years at a time! We lived in this one for over seven. Lots of memories and lots of stuff have been accumulated! The stuff I'm trying to purge and the memories I'm trying to savor and lock away forever! 
We lived in this one for over seven. Lots of memories and lots of stuff have been accumulated! The stuff I'm trying to purge and the memories I'm trying to savor and lock away forever!  

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